Dial PHI for Philosophy Posted on July 16th, 2010 by

(File under “There’s an app for that.”)

Having a philosophical emergency/crisis/conundrum/aporia? Are you stranded in a boat in the middle of the ocean that you are repairing one plank at a time/stranded in a crowded lifeboat in the middle of the ocean with only enough supplies for half the people aboard/lost in the Clouds Cuckooland/suddenly in control of the switching mechanism of a train track on which hundreds of people are milling about, oblivious of the train bearing down on them/standing in a paint store where the shade of blue you need to complete your living room–the shade you know must exist–is just plain missing?

Have we got an app for you!

AskPhilosophers.org, the website that “puts the talents and knowledge of philosophers at the service of the general public,” has recently introduced a new app for smart phones (shouldn’t they be called “wise phones” in this context?) Askphil allows you to pose your question from your new iPhone–so long as you’ve already installed that duct tape fix, of course….


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