We say: bring it on! We have no cavities!

The now-firmly-annual Gustavus Classics vs. Philosophy Kickball Match is ON!

The classicists have flung down an idle taunt about us having cavities (which we note they’ve misspelled).


But in response, we say to them: numbers don’t lie. Three years; three wins.






And together, we, the denizens of the first floor of Old Main, asks: will THIS be the year that this event–the unacknowledged climax of the college year in sports, the pinnacle of athleticism–is recognized by the Sports Information Department?


20 responses to “We say: bring it on! We have no cavities!”

  1. Alex Legeros Avatar
    Alex Legeros

    When “is it on?!”

  2. Lisa Heldke Avatar
    Lisa Heldke

    Wednesday at, I believe, 4 p.m. on the South Mall. We were challenged.

  3. Eric Dugdale Avatar
    Eric Dugdale

    alea iacta est! And this time we hope to roll a six!

  4. Lisa Heldke Avatar
    Lisa Heldke

    Nostra autem septem cubi omnibus partibus.
    Roughly speaking, of course.

  5. Sarah Graver Avatar
    Sarah Graver

    Cave Ides Maii (+ tres diei) O Philosophi!

  6. Nick Prince Avatar
    Nick Prince

    This time, some Philosophy majors should show up! So we don’t have to give you our best players just so you have a shot (and then beat us <_<)

  7. Lisa Heldke Avatar
    Lisa Heldke

    Hey, I just thought of something: do you suppose this event has become a philosophical classic? (Heh, heh, heh.)

  8. Lance Switzer Avatar
    Lance Switzer

    Woah woah nick, first of all, no one from the classic department came to our team, we recruited one passerby!!

    Secondly, someone should ensure that first aid is provided, especially for Sean just in case he decides to open his elbow up again….

    Thirdly, remember this always: QUALITY over quantity….enough said.

  9. Jacob Borgmann Avatar
    Jacob Borgmann

    So sei est!

  10. Dan Burnett Avatar
    Dan Burnett

    Last year Lance and I both scored more points individually than the entire classics team. Just sayin’

  11. Drew Ajer Avatar
    Drew Ajer

    And that was without the power of Chris Cannady, Emily Persons, and Drew “A-Bomb” Ajer.

    FELLOW PHILOSOPHY MAJORS: Dress up like your favorite Ancient Greek philosopher and let’s do this Monty Python style!

  12. Chris Masad Avatar
    Chris Masad

    Like Diogenes, I am a firm believer that a person’s virtue is better shown in his action than his theories. Therefore, philosophers, I hope you can back this smack talk up on Wednesday! It’s gonna be epic!

    1. Lisa Heldke Avatar
      Lisa Heldke

      Or maybe tragic. But likely comedic.

      We philosophers arrive at the conclusion that we are going to win by using both inductive and deductive reasoning. And also the Categorical Imperative.

  13. Thomas Johnson Avatar
    Thomas Johnson

    Oh, I’ll be there. I can’t wait to wax philosophical on the Classics team.

  14. Jacob Borgmann Avatar
    Jacob Borgmann

    I’d just like to point out that you can’t spell “win”
    without a “W”

  15. […] mean? Could the Classics Department possibly be taunting the philosophers, in advance of the giant annual Philosophy/Classics Kickball Smackdown? The Smackdown that has been won, every single year by the Philosophy […]

  16. Tracie Butler-Kurth '94 Avatar
    Tracie Butler-Kurth ’94

    If the philosophy department wins again this year, I will give an extra $50 to the Gustavus Fund.

    1. Lisa Heldke Avatar
      Lisa Heldke

      Hey, Tracie, thanks for the vote of support! Earmark your donation to the philosophy department. We’re SURE you’ll be making that extra donation…. Any other alums out there want to join in?
      We have a great cause you can donate to: the department would like to be able to purchase the online edition of the PHILOSOPHER’S INDEX, which is prohibitively expensive for the library.

  17. Tracie Butler-Kurth '94 Avatar
    Tracie Butler-Kurth ’94

    Wish I was in the financial position to do more, but I know that every little bit helps.

  18. Lisa Heldke Avatar
    Lisa Heldke

    hey, tracie,
    can you repost these comments on the new post? we’re writing to each other in last year’s post.

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