This year’s theme is “Future Generations.”
World Philosophy Day is a UNESCO-sponsored day:
In establishing World Philosophy Day in 2005, the General Conference highlighted the importance of this discipline, especially for young people, underlining that “philosophy is a discipline that encourages critical and independent thought and is capable of working towards a better understanding of the world and promoting tolerance and peace”. UNESCO’s General Conference was convinced that “the institutionalization of Philosophy Day at UNESCO as world philosophy day would win recognition for and give strong impetus to philosophy and, in particular, to the teaching of philosophy in the world. (World Philosophy Day 2012)
In choosing the “Future Generations” theme, the committee noted that
“Future generations” is a particularly relevant main theme for World Philosophy Day in 2012, as the world reflects on the outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). WPD 2012 celebrates the 15th anniversary of the adoption by UNESCO of the Declaration on the Responsibilities of the Present Generations Towards Future Generations, as well as the 300th anniversary of the birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (UNESCO)
World Philosophy Day will be celebrated at Gustavus, beginning with cake and conversation at 10 a.m. in Old Main.
Then, at 4 p.m., the Philosopher’s Guild, the student philosophy organization, will be hosting a symposium/reception event. Come for games, music, (more) cake, and philosophical inquiry.
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