Year: 2014

  • Happy World Philosophy Day!

    My, my how the year has flown! It’s already World Philosophy Day again! This UNESCO-sponsored day seeks to…well, we can’t say it better than the director of UNESCO: “Faced with the complexity of today’s world, philosophical reflection is above all a call to humility, to take a step back and engage in reasoned dialogue, to…

  • Philosophy alumni in military service

    The philosophy department welcomed back three of its alumni currently serving in the military, for a dinner discussion with current majors about the role of philosophy in their lives in the service. Nancy (Carlson) McCoy is currently a judge advocate for the army, stationed at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Lance Switzer is an XO (Executive…

  • After the Dakota War: Talk available on YouTube

       If you were unable to see the talk by Scott Pratt, “After the Dakota War,” it is now available on YouTube.

  • Insert shivered timbers here

    Hapless philosophy professor Josh Brown was just quietly teaching his FTS on the good life when, without warning, the entire membership of Joel Carlin’s FTS on piracy burst into his room, dragged him (okay, not really) from the room and forced him to walk the plank (okay, a 2×10 stuck out over the Gustavus sign).…

  • Philosophy and Dining Service present at national food studies conference

    Rising senior philosophy majors Jens Thomsen and Sami Manick, philosopher Lisa Heldke and dining service director Steve Kjellgren presented a panel at the annual joint conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society (AFHV), held in Burlington, Vermont in June. Their panel, “Making…

  • A few of our graduates…and most of our faculty

      Three of our twelve (TWELVE!!!) graduates gathered with their profs before graduation, 2014. Pictured in the front row are Sam Hoppe, Elizabeth Spaulding  and Dan Gronau. Alas, not pictured are Jill Smith, Megan Maricle-Roberts, Kyle Hilding, Stetson McAdams, Darailia Evans, Eric Gazette, Adam Larson, Sam Olson-Anstett and Weston Kloster. As for the Motley Crue…

  • SQUEAK!!!!

    That is the sound of Philosophy just barely squidging out a victory over Classics, in a game that went into extra innings. Final score: 14-13. Film at 11.

  • The Philosophers’ Team will feature PHILOSOPHERS

    The Philosophy Department is pleased to announce that it will be fielding an all-philosophers team at Thursday’s Classics-Philosophy Kickball Classic. That is, all members of the team will be either philosophy majors or philosophy minors. Declaration of major/minor forms will be available prior to the game and faculty members will be on hand to sign…

  • Philosophy vs. Classics: The Annual Kickball Smackdown

    Fans will want to mark their calendars for this Thursday, when the Somethingth Annual Philosophy-Classics Kickball Classic will be held on the kickball pitch near Confer/Vickner at 3:30. (We refuse to contemplate the possibility of a rain location.) Rumor has it that Classics is again buying a team, in hopes of repeating their last year’s…

  • Doug Huff: PBK him ASAP

    On Thursday, May 1st, Professor Douglas Huff became Gustavus Adolphus College’s most recent honorary inductee to the Eta Chapter of Minnesota of Phi Beta Kappa in recognition of his lifelong dedication to the humanities and liberal arts. Several colleagues, past and present, across a variety of departments and divisions nominated Doug for this, further emphasizing that…