Month: November 2014

  • Happy World Philosophy Day!

    My, my how the year has flown! It’s already World Philosophy Day again! This UNESCO-sponsored day seeks to…well, we can’t say it better than the director of UNESCO: “Faced with the complexity of today’s world, philosophical reflection is above all a call to humility, to take a step back and engage in reasoned dialogue, to…

  • Philosophy alumni in military service

    The philosophy department welcomed back three of its alumni currently serving in the military, for a dinner discussion with current majors about the role of philosophy in their lives in the service. Nancy (Carlson) McCoy is currently a judge advocate for the army, stationed at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Lance Switzer is an XO (Executive…

  • After the Dakota War: Talk available on YouTube

       If you were unable to see the talk by Scott Pratt, “After the Dakota War,” it is now available on YouTube.