‘Philosophy on the internet’ Category

Philosophy Now: Electronic access now available on campus!

Anyone using a campus computer can now access the magazine Philosophy Now: A Magazine of Ideas, including the entirety of all back issues. Here’s what the magazine has to say about itself: “Philosophy Now is a newsstand magazine for everyone interested in ideas. It aims to corrupt innocent citizens by convincing them that philosophy can […]

Philosophy podcasts of note

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the car these past weeks, which means I’ve caught up on my podcast listening. I’ve heard a few casts that might spark the interests of students of philosophy. First, the granddaddy of philosophy podcasts, Philosophy Bites, recently produced an interview with Martha Nussbaum, on a topic near […]

This is your brain on podcasts

Philosophers with an interest in the philosophy of mind might want to ruminate on the idea of subscribing to The Brain Science Podcast, the creation of physician Ginger Campbell. Campbell describes the program as “the podcast for everyone who has a brain.” The show combines interviews with philosophers, psychologists and neurologists, with summaries of important […]

And I thought that empty chair was for Elijah!

What to do if you meet Rene Descartes.

Take that, Novalis!

For at least two centuries, people who ought to know better have been alleging that “philosophy bakes no bread.”  Google the expression, and you’ll find it (or a version of it) attributed to that wildly prolific philosopher, It Has Been Said. I found a hand-scrawled note to myself, claiming that Bertrand Russell says it in […]

But it’s not rabid…

Philosophy Bites. Or so claim David Edmonds and Nigel Warburton, creators of a philosophy podcast that features interviews of well-known, and not-so-well-known philosophers, talking about their particular areas of expertise. The podcasts, which range from fifteen to twenty-five minutes, explore topics ranging from “alternative hedonism” to Wittgenstein’s concept of philosophy; philosophers interviewed span a similarly-wide […]

Welcome home Sara Jane

The Reverend Paul Tidemann, who recently spoke at our biennial “Mom, Dad, I’m a Philosophy Major” dinner, shared with us the following remarks he wrote regarding Sara Jane Olson, who has been paroled from prison after serving a sentence for her involvement in the activities of the Symbionese Liberation Army, during the Vietnam War. Tidemann’s […]

Kant attack ad….

And now, just a couple months too late to inform your November vote, comes this paid political announcement about Immanuel Kant.

Think! Win Valuable Prizes!

The Great American Think-Off is held each year inthe tiny town of New York Mills, Minnesota. This year’s contest topic is “Is it ever wrong to do the right thing?” Seven-hundred-and-fifty-word essays on the topic are due by April 1 (no fooling here). Contest finalists will debate the matter in New York Mills on June […]

Philosophy on your iPod

Lisa received a lime-green ipod for Christmas, a gift that vaulted her into the twenty-first century. Thanks to a tip from philosophy majors Rhea Muchalla (’09) and Shane Jensen (’10), she’s become a devotee of “Philosophy Bites,” a wonderful podcast program created by David Edmonds (of Wittgenstein’s Poker fame) and Nigel Warburton (a senior lecturer […]