Category: Philosophy

  • Beau Hillesheim (’10)

    Beau heads to China in the fall of 2010, to spend a year as an English teaching assistant, employed by United International College in Zhuhai. He will be joined there by another 2010 graduate of our department, Natalie Norberg.

  • What if Nietzsche Had Written the FAMILY CIRCUS?

    Well?  What if he had? Would it have looked like this?

  • Three Headed Philosopher Heads for LVC

    A mythical three-headed philosophical beast, composed of one part Lauren Fulner (2009), one part Andi Twiton (2008) and one part Anna Tibstra (2009) was seen at the summer, 2009 training session for Lutheran Volunteer Corps members.

  • Logicomix!

    Logicomix is a graphic novel about mathematics, logic, philosophy, war, Bertrand Russell, the Vienna Circle, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Godel’s incompleteness theorem. Oh, and Truth, with a very capital T. Despite that unlikely description, the work is a real page-turner. (I forced myself to ration my reading each night, to make it last.) You don’t have…

  • This is your brain on podcasts

    Philosophers with an interest in the philosophy of mind might want to ruminate on the idea of subscribing to The Brain Science Podcast, the creation of physician Ginger Campbell. Campbell describes the program as “the podcast for everyone who has a brain.” The show combines interviews with philosophers, psychologists and neurologists, with summaries of important…

  • And I thought that empty chair was for Elijah!

    What to do if you meet Rene Descartes.

  • If Marx had to take out the trash….

  • Philosophy Born of Struggle: upcoming conference

    PBS09 “The Sixteenth Annual Philosophy Born of Struggle Conference will address a variety of approaches to religion in contemporary society and particularly the interconnections between race, religious practices, and political action.” Proposals of 150 to 200 words are due by August 10. See the attached flyer for details.

  • Just in time for beach reading

    Wondering what to read when you head to the ocean/lake/bathtub this summer? How about bringing along your waterproof laptop, so you can check out the theses produced this year by our six senior majors? Navigate on over to Summer is the perfect time for theory, don’t you think?

  • What Would Plato Program?

    The jokes are probably a lot funnier if, oh, you know a lot about programming languages. But even philosophers such as I, who never look under the hoods of our computers, can appreciate this look at the  languages philosophers would use, If Philosophers Were Programmers. A tip o’ the pixel to my blog coach, Joe…