As this blog has already noted, I’ll Have Another, the winner of the 2012 Kentucky Derby, is owned by a man who, at one time in his life, made his living as a philosophy professor. In honor of this notable achievement, an anonymous alumna, horse lover, and racing fan has issued another challenge grant!
Here goes: “If IHA wins the Preakness (possible), I’ll donate $100 to Philosophy at GAC. If he wins the Belmont too (not likely, but who knows), another $200.Maybe someone out there will match the bet.” This alum isn’t even a Philosophy alum, though she does have a soft spot in her heart for the Meno…
How’s about it, friends of philosophy?
If horse racing doesn’t turn your fancy, there’s always that kickball game challenge grant from Tracie Butler-Kurth….
Soooo many opportunities to support your favorite philosophy department!
*Another win, that is.
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