Category: Department events

  • Philosophy vs. Classics: The Annual Kickball Smackdown

    Fans will want to mark their calendars for this Thursday, when the Somethingth Annual Philosophy-Classics Kickball Classic will be held on the kickball pitch near Confer/Vickner at 3:30. (We refuse to contemplate the possibility of a rain location.) Rumor has it that Classics is again buying a team, in hopes of repeating their last year’s…

  • And many happy(?) returns of the day, Albert….

                      Philosophy students, led by members of Peter Shea’s Existentialism class, celebrated Albert Camus’s birthday on November 7 with pizza, Dairy Queen cake, and a spirited discussion of what members of the group found valuable, or puzzling, or disturbing or challenging about this philosopher. Camus is most…

  • Philosophy/Classics Kickball Smackdown V

    Word of the Day for Thursday, May 17, 2012       omphalos \OM-fuh-luhs\, noun: 1. The central point. 2. The navel; umbilicus. 3. Greek Antiquity. A stone in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, thought to mark the center of the earth.   For a brief, shining moment this afternoon, the omphalos moved from Delphi to the…

  • It’s Arev Kickball Smackdown…

    …and the Philosoraptors have bared their canines. The disemboweled remains of what is believed to be a horse of Trojan manufacture were found on the doorstep of the Classics Department this morning. The carcass was accompanied by what appears to be a page from an epic tale recounting a centuries-long battle between a race known…

  • Philosophy Students at the Annual Celebration of Creative Inquiry

    Students in the spring Philosophy of Food seminar participated in Celebration of Creative Inquiry. They include the following twelve students (only some of whom, alas, your humble reporter managed to photograph): David Krebs, “The True Value of Fast Food” Robert Miner, “Perceptions of Alcohol, an Ethical Look at Consumption” Lance Switzer, “Abandon Ship: Engaged Buddhism’s…

  • Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes? “Ha!” we say! Yes, “Ha!”

         Monday, May 7, early rising philosophers were greeted with this apparition in the departmental offices in Old Main.   Closer inspection revealed some clues as to its origin….               and       What could it mean? Could the Classics Department possibly be taunting the philosophers, in advance…

  • Just in time for beach reading

    Wondering what to read when you head to the ocean/lake/bathtub this summer? How about bringing along your waterproof laptop, so you can check out the theses produced this year by our six senior majors? Navigate on over to Summer is the perfect time for theory, don’t you think?

  • Senior Philosophers Present

    The six graduating members of the philosophy department presented their thesis research at the second annual Celebration of Creative Inquiry, held in the college dining rooms on Friday, May 1. Representing the department were Kate Goodpaster, Joe Hillman, Laurel Hoch, Rhea Muchalla, Jeff Nichols, Caleb Phillips.

  • Philosophy alumni present

    The philosophy department welcomed back three wonderful alumni–Tad Marinac, Shel Silvernail and Paul Tidemann–on Wednesday, March 18, for the semi-annual dinners-and-discussions that we call “Mom, Dad…I’m a Philosophy Major.” The Rev. Paul Tidemann (’60) provided us with a written copy of his remarks. Shel Silvernal (’90) discussed the ways in which her life as a…