Category: Philosophy

  • Gerald Christianson ’55

    The upcoming philosophy department event, “How are you thinking about your philosophy major now?” is bringing us news of alums from many different decades. Here’s news of the ’50s. Gerald Christianson is Emeritus Professor in Residence at Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he has taught early and medieval church history since 1967. He received…

  • Mick Beltz ’96: Another real-live philosopher thinking about his Gustavus philosophy major

    Here’s another philosophy graduate who’s working as a philosopher! After I graduated in 1996, I went to Michigan State University for my master’s in philosophy. There I focused primarily in logic and the philosophy of science. After completing my Master’s degree, I pursued a PhD in Cultural Studies at George Mason University. In 2007, I…

  • A philosophy major who’s a philosopher! Sean Kirkland ‘

    Sean Kirkland is Associate Professor, Philosophy, at DePaul University in Chicago.  Sean won’t be able to join the Gustavus philosophers reunion, alas, but he has sent us news (and photos) of his current work. How great to hear from you! What a terrific alumni event you all have planned. I would most certainly come if…

  • Jill Smith (2014)

    Jill Smith is a benefits analyst at Willis Towers Watson, a “ global advisory, broking and solutions company.” 

  • APRIL 16, 2016: Save the date!

    How are you thinking about your philosophy major now? A Gustavus Philosophy Alumni Event    The faculty and students of the Philosophy Department invite you to a first-ever all-philosophy-alumni gathering, to be held Saturday, April 16 at Gustavus.   See the attached pdf for details. save the date  

  • Samantha Manick (15)

    Samantha Manick is working as a baker at River Rock Cafe in St. Peter, a community institution much beloved for its excellent homemade treats. Sami follows in the footsteps of fellow philosophy graduate Kate Goodpaster, who also began her baking career at River Rock. (Kate now is the (philosopher) queen of the laminated dough machine,…

  • Philosophy alumni in military service

    The philosophy department welcomed back three of its alumni currently serving in the military, for a dinner discussion with current majors about the role of philosophy in their lives in the service. Nancy (Carlson) McCoy is currently a judge advocate for the army, stationed at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Lance Switzer is an XO (Executive…

  • After the Dakota War: Talk available on YouTube

       If you were unable to see the talk by Scott Pratt, “After the Dakota War,” it is now available on YouTube.

  • Insert shivered timbers here

    Hapless philosophy professor Josh Brown was just quietly teaching his FTS on the good life when, without warning, the entire membership of Joel Carlin’s FTS on piracy burst into his room, dragged him (okay, not really) from the room and forced him to walk the plank (okay, a 2×10 stuck out over the Gustavus sign).…

  • Philosophy and Dining Service present at national food studies conference

    Rising senior philosophy majors Jens Thomsen and Sami Manick, philosopher Lisa Heldke and dining service director Steve Kjellgren presented a panel at the annual joint conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society (AFHV), held in Burlington, Vermont in June. Their panel, “Making…